
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Tanya Parker to the 20/20 Club! Tanya shares with us, “Hello to my PlanNet Marketing family!  I am the mother of three young men, originally from Baltimore, MD, but currently residing in the Vinings/Smyrna area in Atlanta, GA. I love to bike ride and listen to many genres of music, with gospel being my favorite. In fact, I hosted a gospel aerobic television show on Comcast Cable in Baltimore, as well as being a gospel radio announcer for the #1 gospel station in America in the 90’s – Heaven 600. I enjoy attending concerts, plays, football, basketball, soccer, and baseball sporting events. I am a foodie who admires a lovely presentation of a meal, then I take a photo before I devour it!  

“At the age of 15, while in 10th grade, my mother removed me from school for two weeks and I toured Europe with her and my aunt. At the time, I was unaware of her breast cancer diagnosis being a motivation for the abrupt decision, but I remain forever grateful for the experience, and miss her dearly!  Along the way, I’ve traveled to six of our seven continents, but I have NOT seen it all! I love our InteleTravel product, and I will utilize it even more now that my twins have graduated from high school this May, 2019.

“I have reached this 20/20 milestone by remaining coachable from my sponsor, Nina Vital, attending weekly meetings and big events in Atlanta, and staying plugged into our corporate calls. For me, it’s just that simple, yet it’s not easy! The IMV calls will keep you encouraged and support you with outside reading in our industry. However, I must admit, we are spoiled in Atlanta by having our Founder and CEO, Mr. Donald Bradley, train us every week! The culture is contagious! When I first became a Rep, I also met the #1 - 4 top income earners at a weekly meeting, where they too, trained and offered encouragement. But we all have the same tools in our product, and our leaders are flying here and there, crossing the world to fuel us all to our next level. 

“My final thoughts are: have an open mind, with childlike faith. Trust and follow the outstanding leadership. I had no network marketing experience, but I took notes and became a sponge, absorbing from the best this industry has to offer! The “evidence” is all around us. Trust your process and believe that you too, will reach your goals, one step at a time.”