
PlanNet Marketing is proud to announce Jean Freeman as one of our newest One-Star Directors! Jean was born and raised in San Diego, California. She tells us, “My family moved here when my Dad enlisted in the Navy. My family roots are in Hope, Arkansas. I have lived in Bonita, California, a suburb just outside of San Diego, for thirty years. Bonita is a “little bit of country” near the big city. I love the fact that only 12,000 people live in the valley. My husband, Sam, and I have known each other for over thirty years, and we have been married for eight years. I am the mother of two adult sons and the grandmother of two. I enjoy going to smooth jazz and R&B concerts. I especially love when I can combine my love of music with traveling to new and exciting destinations.

“I love, love, love traveling and seeing the world. Travel has always been my passion, but since opening my own travel agency, I have kicked my travel experiences into full gear. I have traveled to Spain, Greece, Italy, Croatia, United Arab Emirates, China, Cuba, and have taken a number of cruises. I never thought this level of travel could have been possible in my lifetime. This truly amazes me that the granddaughter of an Arkansas sharecropper who had never traveled more than 125 miles from Hope, Arkansas has traveled all over the world!

When asked how she has achieved success in PlanNet Marketing, Jean says, “I am dedicated to PlanNet Marketing. I live, dream, and sleep thinking about PlanNet and how the opportunity can change lives. I guess you can say that I am driven. Although I did not immediately recognize the scope and power of our business, I am thankful and grateful for the mentors and coaches who have supported me in understanding what we have and how we can use our business to make dreams come true. I find great satisfaction in knowing that we can empower others to obtain financial and time freedom. I treasure my team and how we have worked together to change lives. I am very proud of my team and how we have supported each other. I am most proud of the fact that we are all still passionate about travel, but we have started to build teams to support others in designing their ideal life.

“I am confident I have been successful due to our powerful and dedicated leadership. I am thankful that my coach and Two-Star Director, Charles Kindred, never gave up on me. He continued to call plays and guide me through the process. Director Kindred provided support when I became discouraged. He also provided the necessary feedback to redirect me. The key to success is duplication. Coach Kindred always pointed this fact out to me whenever I needed to gain an understanding of why I was hitting the “brick wall” we all hit at some time in our career. He continued to stress the following to me whenever I needed to hear these key concepts; “FOLLOW THE LEADER…TRUST THE PROCESS…DUPLICATION IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS.”

“I am very thankful to our Five-Star Director, Eileen Ross, for her leadership and dedication to our team. Director Ross has been instrumental in building and supporting our team. Ms. Ross has always been there to lead by example, answer questions, and mentor our team. Thank you, Director Ross, for supporting me and my growth.

“I cannot stress the following enough: It is crucial for everyone to stay plugged in and to attend every meeting and training opportunity so you can strengthen your understanding and knowledge of our products. In addition, it is important for you to be coachable. I am not ashamed to admit that being coachable was not always easy for me, but as soon as I learned this fact, many things started to fall into place. I am so thrilled to be a part of PlanNet Marketing. I want to publicly thank and recognize Mr. Donald Bradley for his foresight and his vision. Thank you, Mr. Bradley, for changing the financial bloodline of my family and for providing opportunities that I never could have envisioned. Because of your efforts, you have allowed me to leave a legacy for my grandchildren. I no longer have to worry about how to finance their college education or assist them in the future. I owe my success to PlanNet Marketing’s outstanding leadership and business model. For this reason, I am thankful, grateful, and blessed to be a part of the team.

“The first step in any addiction is to admit you have a problem. I admit, I am addicted to travel. PlanNet Marketing is fulfilling and supporting my travel addiction. However, I strongly believe, ‘If there’s a cure for this…I don’t want it!’ I am creating the type of life I have always dreamed of and I love it!”