PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Kimberly McClain to the 20/20 Club! Kimberly shares, “I’m originally from a small but proud agricultural community known as South Bay, FL, located in the sunny southern part of the state, but I currently reside in Stuart, Florida. I'm a mother of five wonderful children, a wife of eighteen years, a personal chef, and an event planner while working this business on a part-time basis.
“I attribute my success in PlanNet Marketing to consistently remembering my WHYs, which are my children. They give me the determination and drive to achieve all of my goals. I am determined to use this vehicle so that I can have the time, financial, and personal freedom to be more accessible for them. Consistency is key!
“The success I have accomplished so far with PlanNet Marketing is credited to ‘Keeping God first and copying the right cat.’ Once I was told that in order to obtain success in this business, I had to follow the plan that was already in place, and I did just that. I did not recreate the wheel. I just followed my mentors and coaches, and did whatever Director Sonya Barnes told me I needed to do. Even though she lives in Maryland, I stay connected with her via phone, Facebook, text messages, and video conferences. Wherever I went and talked to various PlanNet leaders, I kept getting the same advice - to stay plugged in, be consistent, and always increase and do more of what is working. So I attend the meetings, listen to the conference calls, attend special events, and share this amazing opportunity with more and more people daily.
“My short-term goal is to help all of the wonderful people who have joined me on this journey build their businesses and reach their goals. Moreover, my long-term goal is to use the income from this business to travel the world while helping families all across the Plannet. My Whys will help me accomplish this goal and all other endeavors in my travel business. I’m in love with this business and so grateful for this opportunity in travel.
“Thank you for this honor and recognition of 20/20 that I have always looked forward to. Next step - Directorship!”