
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Brigitte Harding to the 20/20 Club! Brigitte tells us that she grew up and went to college in Connecticut, and she and her husband moved to North Carolina about six years ago after getting married, in search of some warmer weather and a more laid back lifestyle. Their daughter was born almost five years ago and they love living in the mountains and visiting the beaches!

Brigitte relates, “My interests are travel, of course! I also enjoy reading, beach time, Harry Potter, Disney, Zumba, and time with my family, including my four-year old daughter Cora, husband Jeremy, dog Moose and two cats named Bertie Bott and Noodle!

“I've been lucky to travel to some wonderful locations, but my travel bucket list is so long! My favorite Caribbean island so far is probably St. Lucia. We did a whirlwind eight-hour tour on our last cruise stop there and it was amazing!  We loved the mud baths!

“We travel up and down the East Coast a lot to see family and I'd love to make it to the West Coast soon!  I love cruising because it provides the opportunity to see so many places in one trip! On my cruise to-do list is Hawaii, the Mediterranean, Alaska and the Norwegian Fjords. One of my favorite trips ever was a self driving tour around Ireland where my mom and I rented a car and stayed in B&Bs across the country. We really got to take our time and see exactly what we wanted to and also meet so many kind people! Disney is my happy place and we have annual passes and meet family there a couple times a year! In addition to Disney this year, we'll go to Scotland, Alaska, and back to Orlando for Convention in September - where I'm sure we'll tack on a few Disney days at the end!

“My best advice is to be genuine. I target recruit and I put it out there to people who I think it would genuinely help. If someone is talking about not liking their job or wishing they had more money coming in, I share in a comment how the travel business has helped me. I don't push it on them or "sell" it to them. If they are in the right frame of mind to join or want to participate or learn more, they'll ask for info. If they don't, then it's not right for them, and that's ok! I love the book GoPro by Eric Worre. It really helped me become more efficient in speaking with others and also to emotionally detach myself from the outcome of a conversation. I was taking it very personally when people didn't want to join in, because I was having so much fun! Another thing I do is I have people send me a message for more info. I learned early on that I was wasting my energy by sending messages out to people. Most of the time, it gets stuck in their "other" folder, so they never see it. If someone has the motivation it takes to work this business, having to send you a pm won't hold them back!

“A fun fact: Something people might not guess about me is that I was the most homesick person in the world as a kid! I never could have predicted being so passionate about travel when as a child, I wouldn't go to sleepovers, Girl Scout camp, or vacations without my parents!  You just never know!”