
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Stacy Merida to the 20/20 Club! Stacy is originally from Frankville (Washington County), Alabama and has spent the last 21 years as a resident of the Brentwood, Tennessee area. She currently works in Washington, D.C.

Stacy shares, “My interests include all things entertainment, excellent food and wine, adventurous travels, and treasured family time. I've worked in the entertainment business industry for over 27 years so music, film, theater, television, and sports are all at the top of my list. I love assisting people in succeeding and achieving their dreams.

“I've been fortunate to travel to some amazing places. They include numerous visits to Europe (Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Spain, Vatican City); the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico); and most recently Taipei, Taiwan in Asia. One of my most memorable travel adventures was climbing El Yunque twice, once in flip-flops. Reaching the top of that mountain changed my perspective - that if I can do that, I can do anything.

“I am achieving success at PlanNet Marketing through the coaching of my dear friends and Three-Star Directors Mrs. Tawanda and Mr. Donn Shamley. They are modeling success in this industry. I follow the Shamleys as they follow the incomparable Four-Star Director Ms. Eileen Ross as she follows our transcendent founder, Mr. Donald Bradley. The strategy is simple. Just follow the leaders. Be intentional. Never give up. Your timing for success is your time. You have to work your business. If necessary, keep hitting the reset button.  

“I would not consider my success as achieved very quickly. I joined PlanNet Marketing three months following the launch and I'm still working towards Directorship. Some have achieved this feat in far less time. It's okay because my time is coming. I was in the middle of completing a doctoral degree, working full-time, and running a consultancy business. You have to set realistic expectations, but never stop striving towards your goals. It wasn't until I could bring some of those pending obligations to completion and make some adjustments in my career that I could focus more intentionally on my business. Now I have found my groove and my business is my priority.

“One fun fact I will share is I'm an amateur oenologist and vintner. I've grown, harvested, and bottled wine for family and close friends. I love discussing our travel business over wine.

“Thank you for this incredible honor and recognition. Achieving and becoming a member of the 20/20 Club has always been a goal of mine and I'm so pleased to have accomplished that goal. Next up is One-Star Director!”