
Five-Star Director and 2018 Baltimore Convention MVP Natalie Graham Is the newest recipient of the gold Rolex watch that is presented to Five-Star Directors. To achieve this prestigious rank, a Five-Star Director must have 4,000 active ITAs in their downline. Natalie joins Five-Star Directors Shedrick White and Orlanda Moore as the third member of this elite club

.Chairman and Founder Donald Bradley, along with Five-Star Director Orlanda Moore, presented the Presidential Rolex watch to Natalie on Tuesday, February 12th at the Atlanta, GA weekly meeting.

Director Moore said this about Natalie’s accomplishments, “It's one thing to help 4,000 families. It's another level when someone you personally enrolled duplicates that process and helps another 4,000 families. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS Natalie on achieving Five-Star Director and earning the Presidential Rolex watch. I am EXTREMELY proud of you and your accomplishments.” #NextDimension #helpingfamilies

Natalie shares, “Wow! I remember sitting down and cutting out a picture of a Rolex from a magazine for my vision board just a few months ago. That vision is now my’s surreal. This watch represents many things for me. It represents Mr. Bradley's vision. It represents my mentor, Mr. Moore, and many of the leaders traveling around the world tirelessly and selflessly to help us all. This represents the underdogs who've been counted out and told "It's not possible." This represents my team of champions who have worked so hard for their next pin level and freedom. This symbolizes my family, who have been there to support me every step of the way. So each time that you see this watch upon my wrist, know that this is not only for me, but this is for you.”

Congratulations Natalie!