1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Miami, FL and I currently reside in Atlanta, GA. I’m a wife, a mother of two beautiful girls, and a grandmother to a handsome little boy. I love to cook, book travel, enjoy nice music, and spend quality time with my family. Being able to travel to countries I only dreamed of is amazing. Business highlights include achieving Gold Builder Plus, Directorship, 60/60, 40/40 and 20/20 Clubs. Helping families one day at a time!
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have grown tremendously from 2016 when I first joined the business. I am not bothered by the “No” or the ones who don’t support me. I’ve learned to stay focused and to keep pushing past everything. Tunnel vision is best in this business. I’ve also learned that I have to be a product of my own services. I’m more knowledgeable and I have become a better vision of myself. I’m more humble and grateful than ever.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I come from a family with a lot of drive and independence. We are always hungry for more. The BROWN last name goes a long way. A family of force and getting your hands dirty. My grandfather was a man of little knowledge but was good with his hands. My father is a man that uses his brain and his hands to work smarter. My mother is the prayer warrior that helps me keep the faith. Coming from that kind of background I can work wonders. My children and my grandson are my WHY. I do it all for them. I want to leave them a legacy and give them a different lifestyle.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Felicia Miles is my role model and my mentor. I look up to her and I admire her work ethic. She’s a true leader with a heart of gold. When great minds think alike you can see the vision more clearly. She’s caring and knowledgeable about the business. She doesn’t mind helping and shares her ideas effortlessly. We have the same drive about this business and that’s what makes it easy for me to achieve my goals.
5. The three words that describe you best are:
Humble, Independent, Caring.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Always think positive. If you fail, never give up, because F.A.I.L. means First Attempt In Learning. If you get a NO as an answer, NO means Next Opportunity. Respect the process – it does take time. Stay consistent and focused.
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Debt-free! With a seven figure income traveling the world. Still helping families become debt-free and working towards time freedom. Waking up to work for yourself is the best life experience there is. Not having to clock in to make someone else rich is not the lifestyle I want for myself. I’m working to build an empire and leave a legacy for my children.