
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Janine Santos to the 20/20 Club. Janine is from Cardiff, Wales, UK. Cardiff is the eleventh largest city in the United Kingdom. She is married with one son. She tells us “I am extremely passionate about travel, hence why I joined the business. I also love anything business - number crunching, solving problems, and expanding my knowledge through analysis and the study of my chosen subject. I have always had a love for fashion and this is how I started my career in the retail fashion industry. I have been a retail manager for over 20 years and have always loved meeting new people. Throughout my time as a manager I have enjoyed coaching and building succession throughout my team in order to progress them personally and professionally, as well as the business.

“I have many experiences through travel but will say I really love a beach holiday. There is nothing better than lying near the sea with the sun on your face and a good book in your hand. I travel like a pro by taking a large towel peg to stop the towel flapping in my eyes in the wind. You most definitely need this on a cruise. #Traveltip!  I recently went on my first cruise for my 40th birthday around the Caribbean, which was immense! The service was 5-star, with loads to do keeping myself and my hubby both entertained as he is more of an explorer and I love chilling. A cruise gives you the best of both worlds. My only downfall was missing the ship from the Bahamas and having to travel to New York in a bikini whilst it was three degrees and then having to get two connecting flights to meet the ship. $2k later...I was back on the ship only missing 24 hours! I was now on first-name terms with the captain and we were known as the Welsh couple. Ha! Ha!  We made so many new friends along the way and am still in contact with most. Travelling and meeting people is so much fun even if you do have the odd mishap along the way. On arrival to the Virgin Islands, we drew in the sand, WE MADE IT, to let all our family at home know we managed to get to the ship in time.

“The biggest thing for me is consistency. Our uplines in the business always highlight this and when you listen and follow this I can guarantee you will get results. You need to do what works for you in terms of a system. Some people work by a notebook and some prefer digital. I am definitely a digital worker. I need to be able to pull up my file wherever and whenever. I recently set up a Trello board, which allows the team to use the same information and allows us to share knowledge across the globe as we can all access via the Internet. My goal for 2019 is to build succession through the team and support duplication in order for us all to grow united. I will continue to learn from the leaders above and duplicate their success. They are all so inspiring and it really excites me to be part of such a culture. I have never worked in network marketing before and my experience so far is amazing. I am proud to be part of this exciting business.

“Some fun facts! A fun fact about myself is that the district in which I work all call me superwoman. It has been known I will not go down without a fight. When sales are down and footfall is down, I change the approach to deliver a positive outcome. One of the managers made me into a company superhero. See my picture below! Ha! Ha! It really does make me smile. I am a big believer though that you as a leader are only as good as your team. So roll up those sleeves and dig deep alongside one another. Individual commitment to a group effort is what makes a team work. More fun facts: My husband and I also house two racing pigeon lofts with over 100 birds. And my guilty pleasure is a glass of eggnog regardless of the season, cwtched up all cosy (cwtch is the Welsh word for cuddle).”