
PlanNet Marketing is proud to introduce new One-Star Director LaVetta Williams! LaVetta tells us, “My name is LaVetta Williams-Hester; I am from Greenville, South Carolina; a born and raised true southern girl! Since I was a little girl I've had the passion to help other people! I love being a mom most of all and since my career change, life has been simply amazing! And because of this business I was able to take my family on vacation more than 20 times last year, ending our year at Disney World!

“Coming into the New Year I had no idea I was about to accomplish and have a legacy business! Achieving this success took hard work, sacrifice, and several early mornings and late nights! I want to encourage you to never give up - regardless of how long it takes, keep pushing! Expose your business every day, don't be selfish, share how this simple vehicle of travel and network marketing can change lives all over the globe.

“Save more, earn more, and travel all the time! Within just a year and six months I've built a One-Star team! My team and I set a goal to help 100 families and two days ago on January 30, 2019, we did exactly that. We showed the plan, explained the business, and shared our stories just to show others how possible this is, not only for us, but them too! I'm extremely proud of my team and wouldn't be in this position today without them. I want to thank each and every one of them for trusting me to partner in business with and mentor them on their journey of entrepreneurship! Reach for the stars, never lose sight of the prize, and never allow anyone to tell you that you can't do anything!