
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome new One-Star Director Rhea Perry to the 20/20 Club! Originally from Leesburg, FL, Rhea (pronounced “Ray”) lives on a farm called the Backside of Nowhere in southern Tennessee. She and her late husband, Wendell, homeschooled their seven children for almost 30 years and discovered some strategies and techniques for teaching young people to be business owners instead of employees.

Rhea shares what she has learned about entrepreneurial education with her online community and by speaking at homeschool conventions across the country about home business. She also hosts two annual conferences so that families can meet successful home business experts face to face and learn more about how to educate their young people and themselves to operate successful home businesses.

Now that she is a widow with 16 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, and most of her children no longer at home, she enjoys coordinating trips of all kinds for her students and associates to explore America’s historical sites and natural wonders. She has also accompanied a few of her associates on excursions to Jamaica, Finland and Russia.

When Rhea understood how the travel industry has adapted to the Internet age by allowing agents to be home-based, she immediately saw how the change would explode the industry. Because entrepreneurs spot opportunity, she promptly joined the movement to spread the word. Meeting Mr. Donald Bradley was a special treat, especially when she discovered that his children are enrolled in her alma mater – Auburn University. She looks forward to working with other agents to make Plannet Marketing a household word.