
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born in Belzoni, MS; raised in Hallandale, FL; and currently live in Tucker, GA. I am a wife and mom with a blended family of five children and one new granddaughter. My hobbies include traveling, reading, sports, and spending time with family and friends. I have a background as a commercial debt recovery specialist. I currently now am a multi-entrepreneur as I own my own collection agency specializing in account receivables management and commercial and consumer debt recovery. I am also the owner of TDR Financial Services, LLC where I specialize in individual and business tax preparation services and financial consulting.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet has helped me with personal and self-development, including understanding and communicating with others more effectively. I've learned to meet people where they are - meaning finding their needs and helping them meet them. I am more focused now on what I really want to accomplish out of life. I have found myself really putting my goals to the forefront and going after them more persistently. Every day I am learning new things and, most importantly, learning how to be a better leader.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
I must say my children are the force that is driving me. I come from very humble beginnings and was a teenage mom. I lost my mom before the age of 18 so I know what it is like to grow up losing something that means the most to you. I have been in the position where I had nearly lost everything… even at one point, I thought I would lose my sanity. I have struggled trying to make ends meet, while at the same time trying to do everything in my power to remain strong for the son I was raising into a young man - and who was constantly watching me. I was a single parent as his father died when he was just four years old. I worked in overtime mode to provide him a life that I felt he deserved no matter what my situation was. I went without so he didn't. I put my dreams on hold so he didn't have to. Now in this business, I get to meet so many people with similar stories and I can tell them from experience that it's really going to be ok. I am a firm believer that joy comes in the morning. Through past experiences, I am able to push past any hurt and pain and help my partners do the same. I believe that I can conquer all things through Christ that strengthens me and I'm very passionate about helping my fellow partners do the same thing.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I consider my father a role model because I've watched him take not only his children and raise them, but he too has a blended family and he never treated any of us any differently. He has to be one of the hardest working men I know. He's most definitely one of the smartest men I know! I can remember coming up he would work my last nerves because he was like a walking dictionary, thesaurus, mathematician, oh my gosh he was the next Einstein. He was always talking and teaching about things that I needed to know when I really thought there would be no way at all I would need to know any of that! As soon as I hit my adult life, his voice was always in the back of my head and I could hear him saying then what he was always preaching as I was coming up as a little girl. I was always a Daddy's girl and I still am, but he is not going to sugarcoat anything. He will tell you straight like it is, and just like the saying goes “With age comes wisdom.” he knows his stuff. He really showed me the definition of what a real husband and father should be. He’s such a strong man and I hope to be as strong for my family as he is for his. Even on his worst day, he finds a way to not make excuses and turns it into his best day. When I got married, I knew that my husband had to have those same characteristics.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Loyal, Outgoing, and Ambitious

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Never give up! Believe! You can do all things through Christ. It doesn't matter when you achieve your goals originally set, all that matters is that you stick and stay. Remember anything worth having is worth fighting for. Once you believe that you can achieve it, then the rest is history. Think of your why. What drives and motivates you? Stay prayed up, keep God first, and go after everything the enemy said you couldn't have. The reward is so much greater in the end.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now my husband Anthony and I will be retired and spending our time together raising our two daughters and granddaughter. Our middle son has plans on going to the NFL after his last year in college. We plan to still be around, traveling back and forth to support him as he lives out his dreams of a professional athlete. For the rest of the time, we plan to spend much time being pillars in our community, traveling with the family multiple times a year, and I’m sure somewhere spoiling the two daughters and our granddaughter, Maliyah Karter. My goal is to just live life life like it’s golden.