
Congratulations Rachel Russell on achieving Two-Star Director and becoming a member of the PlanNet Marketing 60/60 Club! Rachel tells us, “Wow, I’m so excited I can’t see straight! It’s truly such an honor to be recognized in the elite 60/60 Club. What an amazing feeling to have personally helped over 60 families! Whatever you set your mind to, you will achieve it. Every night when I lay my head down I reflect back two years ago when I was looking for the life-changing opportunity, and I can’t help but think about all of the families also wishing they had an opportunity like this.
“I seriously cannot keep this a secret; it’s changed my life and I have so many more families to help!!!  I am forever grateful that Mr. Donald Bradley continues to challenge leaders to set the pace here. I can hear him now, ‘The speed of the leader is the speed of the team.’ I am forever grateful for my Coach, Aquarius Jackson. I can hear him now, ‘Show the plan, show the plan, show the plan.’ I remember being so uneducated and scared to talk to anyone. Seriously, sweating palms and heart racing so fast, mind going blank...I didn’t know how I was going to do it. But he grew me, and I love listening to him tell me things I don’t want to hear, because I know it’s so I can become an even better leader and it stretched me.

“I’m forever grateful to have been blessed with Keith and Adairia Vinson in my life. The time they have taken with me, hours of development, and I can hear them say, ‘YOU are the MAGIC,’ and oh my goodness they were right. I am proud to say I’m not just in PlanNet Marketing, PlanNet Marketing is IN me! 

“As a mother of six and a wife I always had to remind myself to not let my WHY be my WHY NOT and that if I wanted something in life no one was going to hand it to me. No matter how many people can’t see the vision, with or without them it WILL happen. We cannot let the process punk us out of the promise. My name is Rachel Russell and I BOSSED UP my life (Built On Self Success)!”