
When To Listen To My Upline...

In a business where duplication is key and everyone is trying to be coachable – when should you listen to your upline and when should you branch out and find your own answers?!
It’s a tough question, but an important one!
Your sponsor and upline Reps are an invaluable source of information – they’ve been in this business longer than you have, they presumably know what they’re doing (they convinced you this was a worthwhile venture!) and they’re available and easy to reach. For some of you, your sponsor and/or upline Director is also making PlanNet Marketing headlines as a Top Income Earner, a 20/20 Club member (or 40/40, 60/60) and they might even be earning awards and accolades when you attend events.  
Let me be clear – I’m not saying to tell your sponsor to take a hike! I’m simply suggesting that “copying the right cat” can only go so far. At some point you, as a business owner, are going to have to sink your teeth in and go find some answers for yourself.

With technology all around us, you don’t have to go far to find answers. You have a wealth of information at your fingertips in your Virtual Office (VO) and in the PlanNet Marketing Corporate S-Team. If you have a question about your account – why you didn’t get charged, why you didn’t get paid, why you don’t see a new ITA sale in your VO – don’t ask your upline. You need to go dig that up yourself. Call or email the S-Team, or send a Support Ticket from your VO.

If you get an email from PlanNet Marketing Compliance, or you have a question about the rules of PlanNet Marketing – it might feel safe and easy to send your sponsor a text or private message your Director on social media – DON’T DO IT! Please send an email to or give us a call. Even better, download a copy of the PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures from the Information Center in your VO – it’s your business and you should know the rules first hand!
The people we do business with are huge resources, but they shouldn’t be our only resource. You can’t expect another person to take responsibility for your business. They have your best interest at heart, but they have their own business to manage. If in doubt – give us a shout! We’re always happy to hear from you.
Contact Support by calling 470-443-9330 or emailing
-- The PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --