
Welcome to the 20/20 Club, Louise Gatland! Louise is from Basingstoke, UK, is a massive Disney fan, enjoys family and friends time, and has taken part in bike rides for charity.

She shares, “I have always wanted to travel, but with three children it hasn't always been easy. We have been lucky enough to have been to Disney in Florida twice and we have been to Spain. Joining this business was a big decision for me and throughout it all I work on my self development daily. I will speak to anyone who will listen to me about our amazing opportunity. When you are passionate and believe in your business it is easy to share.

“I would love to say I have an amazing secret to share with you all about how I managed to get to 20/20 as quickly as I did, but honestly I am not sure! I just talk from the heart and if I have had fears or anxieties (which I did at the beginning), then I share them with my potentials. We have the most amazing opportunity and I want to share it with the world!

“I set goals, I plan how I will achieve them, and I work every day until I get them. The ring photo is my goal. One day I will earn these!”