PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Abi Jenkins to the 20/20 Club! Abi tells us, “I live in a lovely little Welsh village called Ffarmers in Ceredigion, though I was raised and schooled near Worcester in the midlands. I moved here when I was 17, having fallen in love with the area when holidaying here as a child. I absolutely love travel and it’s probably my biggest love aside from my children. I especially love experiencing new cultures, appreciating breathtaking landscapes, and teaching my children that there is far more to the world than the county they live in!

“I have been fortunate enough to visit some amazing places, including Doha in Qatar, Busan in South Korea, and Acre in Israel. One of my favourite places is the Spanish island of Lanzarote and I could never get fed up with the place - perfectly breezy, with the most beautiful volcanic landscapes and peaceful little towns and villages. I am also a huge lover of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Holy Lands. I have been a couple of times and each time I am blown away by the beauty and the history and the lovely nature of the local people. If you haven’t been it is definitely one for the bucket list!

“Being so passionate about travel, it seemed a no brainer for me to join the InteleTravel community as an independent travel agent, but I realised very quickly that becoming a PlanNet Marketing Rep was going to have an even bigger impact, not only helping people travel, but helping them grow a business that gives them the freedom to work from anywhere and to be able to afford to see everything the world has to offer. I am passionate about this business and I get excited about it every single day, and I believe it is that excitement that ultimately lends itself to the success I have experienced over the last couple of months. This isn’t just any business, this is a rocket ship to the moon, and once you know that, and believe it, your passion will inspire others to do the same. I don’t chase people; I just let them see what I am doing and they then come to me. I do this because I honestly don’t believe that I need people to be in my team. I believe that I need to show people what will happen for them when they let me help them and they will see for themselves how this business will change their lives.

“It’s also important to be focused on the goal and to be specific about what the goals are. People tell me, ‘I want a fast car,’ so I tell them to get specific! ‘What type of car? What colour? Have you been for a test drive? Have you ever sat in one?’ Focus on the things that are important to someone when they have a goal.

“Positive mindset and dedication is all you need!

“A fun fact about myself…is probably my love for all things purple, which I think is quite evident if you look at my vision board! I also have an African pygmy hedgehog called Mr. Prickles…but don’t worry, he isn’t purple!”