
Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, staring at the red light that's staring right back at me and willing it to change – I was running late. The light changes to green and I’m off – to a rolling stop through a stop sign at a four-way stop (no one else was even waiting to go!) - I sure hope nobody saw that. Glance around for a police car – no lights, no sirens, keep on trucking.

Most of us probably drive a car daily. We drive to the store, to work, to church, to visit friends, to take kids to school, to sporting events, to PlanNet meetings…we know how to operate our vehicle. We also know the rules of the road – red means stop, green means go, and everything in between. But knowing the rules and following the rules are two different things.

It’s easy to become so used to the routine of driving that we let the rules slip. We know that running a red light and speeding are dangerous and could result in a car accident or a ticket – some days we’re careful, other days not so much. Is it wise? Nope. Do we do it anyway? Yup.

The same principles apply to your business with PlanNet Marketing. You probably KNOW many of our rules, but you’ve become complacent. You aren’t worried about the “police” seeing you doing something you shouldn’t. You aren’t breaking a big rule, it’s just cutting a little corner. It’s DANGEROUS!


You might end up with a written warning – or worse, the PlanNet version of a ticket – disciplinary action from losing commissions to losing your Rep account. Don’t jeopardize your business by ignoring the rules. Check out the Policies and Procedures today.

Email with any and all questions you may have about running your business in a legal, moral, and ethical manner. Protect your investment and protect the PlanNet.

-- The Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --