
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
We were both born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama; however we moved to San Antonio,Texas in 2004 in search of a better life for our family. We have four wonderful children, two who happen to be in college, one who will be a high school senior next year, and our baby boy who is 10 years old. We are founders of a youth non-profit in the San Antonio area that helps at-risk youth.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
PlanNet Marketing has enhanced skills that we knew we had but were afraid to use. PlanNet has given us so much confidence and posture to go out and be great leaders, not only for the company and team, but also our family. We have learned what perseverance, hunger, and a relentless spirit looks like. PlanNet has really taught us what it really means to win.

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Our children and aging parents are our driving force. Just the desire to ensure that they have a head start and access to greater things motivates us beyond our fatigue and frustration. The need to ensure anyone depending on us is well taken care of and never experiences lack again is our ultimate catalyst and motivation.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
Alisha: My role model would be my mother who is now deceased, Adel Moore. Her work ethic was unshakable and her willingness to help people even though she had very little was noble. Unknowingly, she was the first person who taught me what is was to have multiple streams of income. She taught me what is was to work through adversity and how to make that adversity work for me instead of against me.

Remus: My role model would be my uncle, James Blair, who is now deceased. My uncle took me under his wing in 2004 and shared with me the "blueprint" for a successful life. Without his belief and mentorship early on, I am not sure where I would be. He demonstrated and shared with me that I should never rely on a single source of income to provide for my family. He was the first to introduce me to direct sales and network marketing, even though I didn't understand and fought against the concept initially. I am grateful for his introduction to the industry, but more grateful for the lessons that he taught.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Loyal, Relentless, Unshakable.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Stop living within the limits that the world has set for you. Take the limits off!!!! Decide that whatever you desire you can have. Remember tough times don't last always. Stay focused, Stay positive, and stay coachable!

7. What does your life look like five years from now?