
PlanNet Marketing welcomes William and Tammy Padmore of Fort Worth, TX to the 40/40 Club! William shares, “I will never forget the day I was exposed to this industry. It happened to be on a Bible study night while I was on my way to my Pastor’s office as an Adjutant, and as I was coming around the hallway, a young lady by the name of Mrs. Ingrid Fordham had the courage to stop me and asked me if I had five minutes. I replied yes and she then said, “Don’t you and your wife travel?” I told her yes and that as a matter of fact, we were getting ready to go to the Dominican Republic to celebrate 24 years of marriage. She then said, and I quote: ‘If I can show you how to go to the Dominican Republic and get paid for going would you be interested?’  I said absolutely - I was already paying a pretty penny - about $4,200 for an all-inclusive. When Mrs. Fordham showed me the exact trip that we were already going to take, I right then cancelled our trip. I joined, then I rebooked that exact trip. I went from paying $4,200 to paying $2,700, and on top of the savings, we also received a commission check.

“My wife and I were already traveling, but we never knew about traveling like insiders until Mrs. Fordham exposed us. My wife, Tammy, runs one of the biggest retail stores in the world and I am an accountant for a multi-million dollar construction company, and then we learned about this amazing compensation plan that keeps on paying! I have never seen anything like it and because of the Founder and Chairman Mr. Donald Bradley, we are so appreciative and blessed to be part of this family which is like no other.

“We are 40/40 Club Members because of our Team named Team We Are. The support, the guidance, and the coaching from our leaders is second to none. Three-Star Directors Keith and Adairia Vinson and Five-Star Director Shedrick White, we thank you for your leadership and for always being transparent. Their leadership and mentoring has been and continues to be invaluable in achieving the success we have.

“As prior military, my wife and I understand the importance of personal development. It really is a physical reward that stems from a mental decision to go beyond what you see for yourself at this moment. We believe the Word of God because it states that we are to be good stewards, the first not the last, the lender not the borrower. PlanNet Marketing has been a great vehicle for the manifestation for this process to be a success. We can attribute our success to being teachable and coachable and always being willing to follow the system. Believe us it works!  We are on the calls, we are plugged in, we host travel parties, we conduct travel parties, we attend events that we qualify for, we support our fellow business partners, and we also offer assistance in any way that we can. A tip that we would share is the same we share with our organization…remain honest, remain humble, remain consistent, and always stay connected. Oftentimes we trend to drift away from our sponsor or disconnect ourselves, which limits our ability to grow in the business.

“Focus on your future and don’t worry about your past. Falling in love with your future is what you want - but how can you fall in love with your future if you are having an affair with your past?! A place of passion is where our success comes from. We love to help others, and being able to expose them to an amazing opportunity that can change their lives, as well as their families’ lives, is an amazing feeling.”