
It only takes ONE Rep business to change it all – YOURS! Each Rep is only allowed one account in PlanNet Marketing. That means just one for you, your business, your alter-ego and your dog (ok, we’ll let your dog have his own account if he can pay for it!).  No seriously, make sure you pay attention to this. If we find more than ONE Rep account out there with your name on it – it could be your name and another person’s name, your name and a business name, or just your name – we’ll shut them both down. You may only have an ownership interest in ONE Rep business. You may only earn commissions from ONE Rep business. Any other scenario you can think of – ONE Rep business is permitted.

We allow our Reps the opportunity to participate in a fantastic compensation plan and business opportunity, but you only get one account to do it. If you have members of your immediate household (or family unit) with separate accounts, this could include your spouse or dependent children living at your address, then make sure all family members are directly sponsored by the first family member to join. Example: Dad has an account enrolled under the sponsorship of your neighbor, Sam Brown. Mom and Junior can both have accounts as well; however, since they’re adults living at the same address as Dad, they need to be directly sponsored by Dad. If you own a business and that business has an account – you cannot also have a personal account. Example: An LLC you own with four other people enrolls as a Rep and you would earn a portion of the commissions earned on that account – that counts as your ONE.

If you have any questions or concerns about this rule, please contact  or call Support at 470-443-9330 for more information.
-- Policies and Procedures Section 5.11, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --