My first job in high school was working the drive-thru window at my local Steak ‘n Shake. Not the most glamourous, but for $5.25 an hour, I donned my black apron and red bowtie and handed burgers, fries and shakes through that tiny window. I think all jobs require a certain amount of flexibility and this one was no different. My main responsibility was serving the drive-thru customers, but sometimes I had to make shakes or help with the front counter. Other workers would take breaks and I would help cover them for 15-30 minutes. Most of the managers at my restaurant were happy to sit in the back office and smoke and talk while we lowly workers covered each other’s breaks. But there was one – one manager I shall not ever forget. Why? Because he wasn’t the “norm,” he stood out, he went the extra mile. He NEVER asked one of his employees to do something that he wouldn’t do. In fact, when it was time for anyone to take a break – even the person washing dishes, he would go wash dishes for thirty minutes so they wouldn’t pile up while the dishwasher was gone. That set a precedent in my mind about what makes a good manager, a good boss, a good leader!
Fast forward a few years (or 17 years) and I’ve worked a few different jobs for lots of different bosses – all of them have their good qualities, but few have ever “washed the dishes” for me.
Until now.
I love working for PlanNet Marketing. LOVE IT. I have never worked for a company with so much integrity. It starts at the tippy-top. I know you all know who I mean – Mr. Donald Bradley and his wife Deborah.

These two are phenomenal people. Not just “bosses,” but LEADERS. They lead with integrity and they are willing to do everything they ask of those who work with and for them. And THEY DO IT! They do the grunt work, they make the tough phone calls, they deal with the difficult situations. They plan events and travel constantly to make your events successful. They're plugged in to the day-to-day stuff that needs doing. When I call and need something – they answer the phone! That’s what I call “washing the dishes.”
When you read the very first paragraph of the PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures, it states, “PlanNet Marketing is a values‐based company that prides itself on the quality and character of its Independent Representatives.” I’m proud to say that the quality and character expected of each of you – is modeled in our Founders.
You are never asked to do something that they can’t or won’t do. In fact, I’d wager they have already done it – all of it. Every single thing you’ve had to deal with in your business, from that first nerve-wracking presentation to getting along with someone on your team who you can’t stand – they’ve done it five times over.

The next time you find yourself in a business situation that makes you uncomfortable or frustrated, annoyed or exhausted; when you just don't know what to do next - figure out how you can "wash the dishes" for the other person. Take the extra step, extend your hand, go above and beyond, take responsibility, do what needs to be done to make it right -- WASH THOSE DISHES, people. 
This company truly is the BEST place on the PlanNet – and we’re so glad you’re here!
-- Policies and Procedures Section 1.1, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures.)
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --