Halloween may be over, but we still have one more scary truth about the PlanNet Marketing Policies and Procedures to cover this season. Keep in mind, these rules were all put in place to protect each and every one of our valued PlanNet Reps – but no protection can be in place without some consequences for rule-breakers. So here we go...

The Scary Truth – What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You!


Sometimes when life gets a little too crazy, hard, or scary, we just want to crawl into bed, put our heads under the covers and pretend like none of it is happening. Pretend everything is fine and good. Don’t ask questions, don’t take names. Just forget about it all and try again tomorrow…or next week. Things will look better in the morning. Right?
But, ignorance ain’t bliss ya’ll – it’ll cost you everything if you’re not careful.
As a PlanNet Marketing Rep, it is your responsibility to KNOW and FOLLOW the Policies and Procedures. If you’re not familiar with our policies, you may be unknowingly breaking any number of rules. Did you read my previous scary truth about NOT following the rules? The list of consequences is kinda long and veeeeerrrrrrrrrry scary!!!! *pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase, NOOOOOOOOOOO*
Oh yes. It’s true! You could be out there working your tail off to build your PlanNet business, but if you’re breaking the rules you could end up losing commissions, your place in the matrix, your team, and you could lose your whole business! BE CAREFUL!

Blindly following the leader isn’t a fun childhood game, it’s a game-changer in network marketing. If you want to copy a cat, make sure it’s the right cat. *gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr, HISS HHIIISSSS*
Go to your Virtual Office now, look under Resources, and download your own personal copy of the Policies and Procedures. Then, tune into my weekly blog for tips on making these rules work FOR your business, not AGAINST it. If you have any questions about today’s scary truth or any compliance matter, please email me at  I love answering your questions and I promise not to bite. 
-- Policies and Procedures Section 1.2 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --