
I enjoy cooking. While a part of this joy comes from a delicious home cooked meal, there is a larger part that comes from knowing I created that delicious meal. When I watch others enjoy it too? Icing on the proverbial cake, folks.
French toast, lasagna, chicken and dumplings – oh man, I’m getting hungry just thinking about making all my favorite dishes.
Here’s what’s interesting. When I say “lasagna,” you don’t need me to say, “layers and layers of meaty red sauce with crumbles of beef and Italian sausage, chopped veggies and gobs of Italian cheese – mozzarella, ricotta, parmesan.” We all basically KNOW what a lasagna is, right? Some people like theirs with spinach instead of meat, some people even prefer some white sauce mixed in, but it’s all lasagna.

When you’re presenting the PlanNet Marketing Compensation Plan, you don’t have to explain every detail for people – you don’t need to say, “I made $250 when I sold five ITAs in my second week,” and you shouldn’t!! All you have to say is, “Every time you sell an ITA, you get paid $50. Every time. No exceptions, no limits.” Five ITA sales will always earn $250 in weekly commissions, nine ITA sales will earn $450, and so on and so forth - they can do the math. Just like the lasagna, people can see the potential in all those layers. They don’t need your specific recipe to make lasagna happen for them. Right?
PlanNet Marketing discourages the use of personal earnings statements and suggested earnings potential, such as “I made X dollars in commissions from ITA sales” or even the more vague statements like, “I was able to pay off my debt and buy my dream house.” We are truly humbled that so many of you are experiencing these types of freedoms in your lives, but we must be careful how we talk about them to prospects. Not every Rep will have the same story, not every Rep will work as hard as you work, not every Rep will earn what you earn.
Statements that use your past earnings or your lifestyle claims as an enticement to get new Reps to enroll or new ITAs sold are against Policies and Procedures. Don’t do it! You don’t NEED TO! We have an incredible product and a fantastic compensation plan. They can stand on their own. Just present the product we have and talk about the compensation plan that’s in place – don’t try to use yourself or your team as an example. It’s tempting, I know it is, because you feel like you just made a killer lasagna and you want EVERYONE to know how to make their own. Give them a piece – just don’t start handing out that recipe until after they enroll.
-- Policies and Procedures Section 4.1 located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, VP, Compliance --