Meet Erick and DeJoiré Benson, One-Star Founding Directors and 20/20 Club Members!  Erick was born in Mississippi, but his family relocated to California when he was two years old. DeJoiré was born in Los Angeles, then relocated to St. Louis, MO, where she lived from two to ten years old, before moving back to California. The Bensons have two beautiful daughters, Ericka and Déja.

DeJoiré earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, which has helped her along her entrepreneurial journey. She worked in corporate America for 10 years before she had to unexpectedly resign in 1998 to become the full-time caregiver to their youngest daughter, Déja, who had an adverse reaction to a vaccine the day after her birth. She had another reaction following vaccines at two months old, which caused a severe case of epilepsy. Needless to say, it takes a toll on her both mentally and physically, but DeJoiré credits her faith in God as being the reason that she is able to overcome the daily struggles of taking care of their special needs daughter, who is now 18 years old.  DeJoiré’s mother often refers to her as possessing a PPMD (Parent Practicing Medical Degree), since she is so knowledgeable regarding Déja’s medical issues. On occasion, medical staff have even asked if she had a medical background due to her incredible command of the situation. Despite the emotional ups and downs, DeJoiré and Erick are still believing in God for Déja’s ultimate healing!  

Erick is a retired law enforcement official. He worked as a California Parole Agent for over 23 years. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications with an emphasis in Television and Film, along with a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing. After graduating from college, Erick worked in the entertainment industry in various arenas, such as advertising agencies and television production companies. He has been published in Essence Magazine and his work has been featured on B.E.T. (Black Entertainment Television). He has written and produced several stage plays, a documentary film, two television pilots, one of which featured the late Sherman Hemsley and more recently comedian George Wallace. He has also published three books and currently has a sitcom and feature film under consideration in the industry.

The Bensons feel honored to have Donald and Deborah Bradley as friends, mentors and leaders for more than ten years. They are the ultimate Power Couple!  During the past four years, they have been privileged to be coached by Mr. Orlanda Moore, who is their direct sponsor.
The Bensons would like to thank their entire TEAM across the country and in the UK, who have made it possible for them to be members of the 20/20 Club and to become Directors. But, they will not be satisfied until they help everyone, who desires to do so, achieve the same milestones! 

★ Their secret to success is summed up in two words…NEVER QUIT!
As the song so clearly states, “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now.” 
As God says, “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!”