One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Didier Gelard was born in the archipelago of Guadeloupe in the French West Indies, with strong and deep roots in Marie-Galante, one of the six islands of the archipelago. When he was seven years old the family moved to Paris, where he was raised and educated. When Didier turned 22, he decided to get back to his native island and now lives in the city of Vieux Fort, close to Basse-Terre, the city capital of Guadeloupe.
At an early age he was immersed in a double culture, both French and Guadeloupean. As a result he says, “I can indulge myself either in the reckless abandon of a glass of fine Bordeaux or in that of a glass of a delicate Monbazillac, as well as in the delight of a dombre and crabs (a Guadeloupean dish).” He continues, “I am interested in so many things - it goes from climate to meteorology to folk dance and music of the Antilles. I am also fond of French pastry baking, African American history, French history, volcanology and many more topics. More importantly, I am interested in the people and their culture.” Director Gelard has traveled all around Europe, from the UK to Italy to the Netherlands. He has also been to many places in the USA and finds it a “very interesting country indeed!”
Didier tells us, “I was looking for a vehicle to achieve my goals when I was introduced to PlanNet Marketing. I immediately realized that PlanNet Marketing, with Mr. Donald Bradley’s vision, along with the product that InteleTravel provides, were outstanding. I am very passionate and focused in what I do. When I set my goal on something, I never deviate from it. From my mother I have learned that whenever you do something, do it to the best of your ability. I have been sponsored by Ben Jackson and from the onset we have worked together to achieve success. The key to my success is travel parties and more of them, passion, education and a good understanding of my people’s culture.”
One-Star Director Cynthia K. Shelton was born in Detroit, Michigan and graduated with honors from Detroit Southeastern High School. A graduate of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, BA in Accounting, Economics and Statistics, Cynthia made her mark early in city government non-profit management with Detroit’s Youth Entitlement Program. She relocated to Atlanta, GA in the early 1980s and began a career path in accounting and finance.
Cynthia has a passion for event planning and she has a portfolio of events and award shows, among others. Her passion also extends to picture framing, and she is a Certified Master Framer. Cynthia’s introduction into the travel industry began out of a need to send her daughter to the college of her choice. That first introduction to travel “just made sense.” As a result she is a proud mother to daughter, Kiana, a 2011 Stanford University graduate, a French teacher in the Atlanta public school system, a 2015 University of Michigan Gerald Ford School of Public Policy Masters Graduate, and currently a Silicon Valley employee.
Since her departure from corporate America, it has been Cynthia’s desire to travel the world and free as many people as possible to do the same. She seeks to hone the craft of her affection now that time permits. Her ultimate desire is to see and experience the Seven Wonders of the World.
After a decade of paving roads in the travel industry under the tutelage of Founder Donald Bradley, Director Shelton began a journey of success as newly appointed Director of Marketing Administration for PlanNet Marketing, saying “It was a real pleasure to serve the Founding Directors and work with the incredible Corporate S-Team. The dynamic leadership team of Bradley, Cauthen and Ferrara are a force to be reckoned with! I can’t thank them enough for the dynamic changes they are forging in the industry.”
The greatest milestone of Cynthia’s travel career was achieved in February 2016. The right company, the right time, the right people, although an often overused cliché, became ‘truth.’ “Within 90 days, I went from the back of the room, clapping for others’ accomplishments, to One-Star Director just by following the system.” Cynthia’s daily affirmation is the scripture Jeremiah 29:11. Her message to others is, “Persistence pays. Winners never quit and quitters never win.”
One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Kerry Patterson was born in Eden, North Carolina. His honorable military career brought him to California in 1975 to the beautiful city of San Diego, where he has resided ever since. Beginning his military career as a Private in the Marine Corps, he retired his 22 years of service as a Marine Captain. His military career extended him the opportunity to travel extensively throughout Asia and the mainland, and his favorite US state is Hawaii. He had the distinct pleasure of being in the sand, but not in those exquisite sandy beaches.
Kerry is a devout Christian who enjoys serving at ‘The Rock,’ one of the largest non-denominational churches in San Diego, with phenomenal outreach programs that reach the masses for building God’s kingdom. He also enjoys basketball; in particular, the Golden State Warriors!
Director Patterson attributes his success in PlanNet Marketing to his work ethic, his commitment to his team and his ability to help others, combined with a high degree of integrity and good old-fashioned hard work. Another contributing factor is the daily replay of the PlanNet Morning Call for the edification and learning of his team members. He believes this helps keep the team plugged in to what they are doing collectively and to what the company is doing as a whole. The tips he relies heavily upon that he conveys to his team and to the coachable are duplication, PS3, company conference calls, one-on-ones, webinars, and attending the various regional and national events.
He attributes achieving success so quickly to working diligently with his team, making himself available to them for their three-way calls and private business receptions, and working with a spirit of excellence, yet with compassion and caring. He has the ability to encourage his team members and make them believe in themselves, always showing them their strengths and how to strengthen their weaknesses for the long haul and journey to their success.
Kerry believes that every good thing embodies discipline and continues with hard work. He shares, “When you persevere, it will always produce fruit that you can be proud of and want to share with like-minded people wanting the same as you. If one wants to be successful in this business, instead of studying the roots, we should all be picking the fruits of income-producing activity. And if you commit to making the calls and attending the meetings, no matter who does or does not show up, it will eventually pay off!”
‘No’ is not an obstacle in Kerry’s view, but an opportunity to pique someone else’s interest and hear them say ‘Yes.’ That is how Kerry has reached the top of every compensation plan of every company he has been affiliated with, by persevering and pushing forward no matter what each day brings. The words that he believes in that drive him and give him strength each and every day to conquer any and everything that he endures are, “With God, all things are possible!”
And last but certainly not least - a few quotes by Kerry: “You must build a team to live your dream.” And… “The only reason you miss a meeting is a funeral.” “Whose funeral?” “Mine!”
We end with… “Redirecting advertising dollars from Wall Street to Y’all’s street!”
One-Star Director and 20/20 Club Member Ima Wideman was born in Dayton, Ohio, the fourth child and the oldest daughter of six children. She was raised in a very loving home with a lot of games played and lots of competitiveness among the siblings! She presently lives in Forney, Texas, about 30 miles east of Dallas.
Ima states, “My love for people and caring for people took me to the profession of a registered nurse. I retired approximately two years ago to take care of my Mom full time as she suffered from a stroke and end-stage dementia. It has been a blessing caring for her but still being able to do the things I love, such as network marketing, traveling, reading and spending time with my family, especially my grandchildren.”
Director Wideman has extensive travel experience, having visited South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Israel, Egypt, London, France, Italy, South America and many of the Caribbean Islands!
She says that her success with the travel business is due to her excitement and love of travel and making it so accessible and practical to so many others.
When she trains a new representative or plans a trip for her clients, her enthusiasm is contagious! She continues, “Excitement of my business is one of the key ingredients to my success as a travel agent and as a Director. The econd key ingredient is to have a mentor and coach that you respect, like my mentor and coach JP Watkins, who has been a great asset to my personal development and growth.”
“One fun fact about me is that I love, love, love going to Disney! It’s magical, fun and the smell of delicious food is everywhere. It is one of my favorite places to vacation. Everyone there is happy, it is always clean, and the customer service is usually fantastic. I enjoy the fact that you feel you are on another planet there and you wish the whole world was like Disney!”