Compliance Tip of the Week

I Want to Change Sponsors!
"My sponsor isn't training me or returning my calls." "My upline/downline is very abrasive and is upsetting others." "Can I change sponsors?"
We get this question from time to time, and understandably. We're in a business based on RELATIONSHIP marketing. In all relationships there is conflict. Whether it’s a parent and child, friends, siblings, coworkers, church members, teammates, or business associates - there is going to be conflict. We are all human after all.
We want you to excel and grow your business with the best success. Sometimes it feels like another Rep is holding you back or causing you trouble. It seems easiest to simply stop working with that Rep. Unfortunately, no matter who your upline and downline are - there WILL be conflict. So when conflict comes, don't go looking for greener pastures - find ways to improve your own lawn!
Celebrate Your Differences! We all have different talents and skills to bring to the table. Learn to value those differences and find ways to use those differences to grow your business together - instead of arguing or judging based on differences. Recognize that no one will please you all the time, and try your best not to allow this to bother you or hold you back.
Find a Good Fit! If you have someone you don't see eye to eye with, help them find someone else in your current line who they can work with - someone else may be a better fit than you. Don't ignore them or belittle them, don't tell them to cancel or change sponsors - help them!

Build Toward Success - Together! Together we will all be successful. It takes every single person to make PlanNet Marketing great - one Rep isn’t better or more valuable than another Rep. Every Director and 20/20 Club Member knows the value of every single Rep on their team – it wasn’t “numbers” that allowed these people to reach Gold Builder and above, it was PEOPLE! People who all want to succeed.


When we work together, celebrate our differences, and help our team members find others who work well with them, we will all succeed.

5.1.2 ­ Change Of Sponsor - To protect the integrity of all marketing organizations and safeguard the hard work of all IRs, PlanNet Marketing rarely allows changes in sponsorship, with the rare exception of direct line changes (meaning placement is not affected).

5.1.3 ­ Change Of Placement - A request for change of placement must be submitted within seven (7) days of the date of enrollment and must be requested by the current listed sponsor. An IR can only be moved inside of the same sponsor’s organization.
 -- Policies and Procedures Section 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Manager of Compliance --