I am a busy mom to two beautiful girls ages nine and 12. I was born and raised in a very small "village" called Leesburg, Ohio.    I am a country girl with a city girl heart!  My biggest goal is to move to Florida. 

I have ALWAYS had a passion for travel as well as helping others, even at a very young age. I am thankful that PlanNet Marketing has allowed me to combine both of my passions into this one amazing opportunity.  My girls and I have been fortunate enough to travel to many different countries and enjoy many different foods and cultures. I love that we truly get to make a living by living! 

I spend a lot of time doing personal development. My best advice to those wanting to reach goals in this business is to dig down deep into books, study what you do, get to know yourself, your purpose, your passions, and what will make you truly happy.  Your passion fuels your purpose and when you mix that with business, people feel it. You can approach others about your business on a level they cannot deny and cannot help but want to become a part of. 

1.) PLUG IN - As hard as it is for me to plug in I am willing to drive hours to get a few minutes with the leaders in the company.  Those who are winning are making sacrifices.
2.) LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY - Once you start building a team it is very important that you learn something new every single day - that way you are growing, but more importantly you are able to TEACH your new partners.

3.) GET A ROUTINE - A daily checklist has been key for me. I have an extensive one since I work a lot in online marketing, but on days I don't feel like doing anything or I'm sick etc., I still have a few key things that I make sure I get done to keep the business progressing. Once you get these tips down, it becomes much easier!