These Two-Star Directors will soon reach 500 balanced active ITAs
and earn another prestigious Director Gold Star!
Chairman Donald Bradley recognizes One-Star Directors when they achieve the 150 mark in their team building and are on their way to Two-Star Director.
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I grew up in Marshall, VA – a very small, rural town 40 miles west of Washington, DC. I have been married to Darrian Summerville, Sr. for 22 years (having known him for 24) and we have four beautiful children, DJ (21), Phillip (17), Damaris (9) and Christian (7). I enjoy shopping, linguistics, interior design and designing and sketching for my fashion brand, Lydia Lavash.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have personally developed and grown within PlanNet Marketing by hearing the testimonies of so many others who've shown me it's okay to dream and to never be afraid of greatness. I have also grown by being willing to accept constructive criticism more gracefully.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
Obviously my children motivate me, but I ultimately believe my greatest motivation is seeing the windfall profits from PlanNet Marketing being used to further expand Lydia Lavash. I have been learning how to sew for the last five years but have been designing since 1995. I feel that if I have additional finances to pay seamstresses and tailors to make the garments I dream up and envision, I won't be so easily frustrated by my current sewing abilities or lack thereof.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I consider Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be my biggest role model because he bore the sins of all humanity on the cross that we might all be set free, delivered and placed in right standing with Creator God. If I could sit down and have a conversation with someone, the three individuals at the top of my list would be Ann Lowe, Samuel Yette and Malcolm X.
5. The three words that describe you best are:
Dependable, Tenacious and Compassionate.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
If I had advice to give someone it would be to plug in and listen the first time to what your coaches are telling you to do and not question or deviate from their guidance. (You will waste precious time and will find your success hindered and delayed by your lack of coachability.)
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Five years from now, my family and I are living in a spacious all sides brick, stone or stucco home in northern Virginia. The home has a meditation garden, pool, and space for entertaining. I have multiple seamstresses and tailors constructing garments for my brand and we will have opened a boutique to showcase our creativity. I will have launched my shoe line through collaboration with Unmarked (Leon, Mexico) and Embassy Designs (Mumbai, India). Lydia Lavash will have had its second fashion show (first one was July 2019). My husband's business ventures with Dr. Iyanu Odebode will be exploding like our previous business, EZ Language Services, where we had multiple Fortune 100 clients. My husband will have also produced his second music CD and I am sure I will have rapped and sung on it). College tuition accounts for our two younger children will be fully funded. Last but not least, our family collectively will have bought back the land my grandfather acquired through share-cropping that was unfortunately sold by other members of the family.
PlanNet Marketing congratulates Tiffany Moore for achieving the 80/80 Club! She tells us, “I am a mother of a 12-year-old daughter, and was born and raised in Chicago, IL. I started my journey with PlanNet Marketing after I was injured on the job as a city letter carrier for the United States Postal Service. After two surgeries and no relief, I realized I couldn’t put my body through any more by continuing to throw that satchel on my back. So I donated my job back and started managing my parents' school bus company here in Chicago.
“I’ve always loved traveling but I also love making money and helping people, so when my cousin reached out to me about taking advantage of this opportunity, I was all in. Since I got started back in May 2019, I have been afforded the opportunity to meet some amazing people due to this business. Some are repeat customers and others are business partners turned family.
“I’ve been traveling a lot more helping a lot of people do the same and because of that, I’ve been able to personally help over 80 active agents get their business started. I'm honored to say that because of this business and my team, I’ve been able to secure a legacy for my one and only child by becoming a One-Star Director back in March, crushing one of my goals as a PlanNet Marketing rep.”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Sonya Green to the 20/20 Club! Sonya is originally from California and now resides in Crowley, Texas. She tells us, “I am a behavior specialist with my local school district. I love cooking, football, great music, playing spades and of course, travel. I am a veteran and joined to see the world, and because of this awesome opportunity, I can continue to do so!! I look forward to visiting Belize and Alaska this summer.
“I am achieving success at PlanNet Marketing because I believe most importantly that mindset is EVERYTHING. My faith tells me with God all things are possible. I am blessed to have mentorship that is committed to my success. THANK YOU. There is so much I have learned and I continue to learn. Stay plugged in, do the work, and don’t give up! Trust the process. As you grow, so will your success. I am so honored to be part of such an amazing opportunity.
“Fun facts about me are that I can’t sit still and I will sing if you play Frankie Beverly and Maze ‘Before I Let Go.’ I wear my smile daily.”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Hayley Light to the 20/20 Club! Hayley is from Brighton & Hove in the UK. She tells us, “I absolutely love to travel, which is what led me to join this incredible business! It’s opened so many doors for me! I believe in collecting memories, not things, and this definitely has enabled me to do that! I am a busy mum to two young boys, Charlie and Alfie. I’m so very grateful I’m able to work this from home; I fit this around my life and not the other way around! I’m very grateful it’s enabling me to show them much more of the work!
“I’m very much a social butterfly, a huge foodie and love eating out! I also like to keep active! It’s all about balance! I also love visiting new places. In the most recent months, new ventures for me have been Paris and Dubai. I love experiencing the culture in different countries and trying out local delicacies! Yes, I did try escargot and frog legs in France!
“Hold the vision and trust the process! The same things repeated day in and out will be what leads to success! Keep your ‘shop’ open! Show up daily! You want people to trust you? Would you go into a hairdressers to get your hair cut from someone who opened 4 times a year or 7 days a week? They buy into you first!
“Not seeing results? Feel like giving up? Consider this: the last thing to grow on a fruit tree…is the fruit! Keep going! Those seeds will produce if you remain consistent!
“Keep it simple! We have a travel product which can help so many! Tell me one person who does not love to travel, or doesn’t want to travel more! I simply share my love for it and teach my team to do the same!”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Aaron Mason to the 20/20 Club! Aaron is from Atlanta, Georgia. He tells us, “I am a real estate business owner, movie writer, and music producer. I currently have two trademarks in the music industry. I love to travel, and my experiences in travel have always been amazing! My interests are helping as many families as I can have financial freedom and growing a massive team in the PlanNet Marketing organization.
“I have achieved my goals by praying and keeping the faith, knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My tips are:
Trust God and have the God kind of Faith.
Always pray before you start your day.
Walk through the door of success and understand the process.
See your accomplishments fully fulfilled.
Treat every prospect as your family and not a stranger.
“I pray all the time and I keep Jesus and God in my heart every day. I believe staying focused will always allow you to win faster. I believe understanding the process on all levels will keep you in the winning zone. I believe if you catch the pass and run, you can win. I have achieved so quickly because I don't believe in giving up.
“A fun fact about me is that I love spending time with my family. I'm currently working on the Rhythm & Christian - R&C Music Awards that have been trademarked in the United States of America. The show will take place in Atlanta, Georgia this year in 2022. I love to produce and record albums and shoot movies. These are a few of the many things I love to do.”
PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Iyana Williams to the 20/20 Club! Iyana was born and raised in Greenville, NC. She tells us, “I am a soon to be wife and a mother of five amazing children. I love trying new things and creating new memories with my family and friends.
“Prior to joining this business, I didn’t have the finances to travel like I wanted. I always knew I had a passion for traveling the world on my terms. Fast forward a year later, finances are no longer an issue and I’ve been able to travel more than I ever have before.
“I am achieving success in PlanNet Marketing by simply remaining coachable and following the blueprint that has been given to me as well as so many others. Since I’ve joined forces in this opportunity, I’ve grown to learn that success comes from following other successful people. I also know that staying consistent to the vision, believing in yourself, and inspiring others along the way will take you places that most people ONLY dream of! So hang in there, and come out a WINNER!”
I recently completed an EXTREME connect the dots picture – the image contained over 900 dots!!! It was time consuming, painstaking work (and I had to wear my glasses – those dots were tiny) but in the end, I had such a beautiful image and feeling of satisfaction!
Your PlanNet Marketing business is like a real-life game of connect the dots. Your first dot may have been talking to a friend about PlanNet, seeing a post on social media, or attending a presentation…your last dot? Well, it’s a work in progress! But every step of the way – enrolling as a Rep, purchasing an ITA, attending your first company event, taking a trip, telling others about your business, selling your first ITA, paying your monthly fee, getting paid commissions, learning about the Policies and Procedures…they are all dots that create a more detailed image of your future success. The more dots you connect – the clearer that image becomes.
PlanNet Marketing offers a real, genuine opportunity for people to make money. The amount you earn depends on your willingness to work – this isn’t easy peasy, this can be painstaking “put your glasses on” kind of work. Make sure you’re following up with your sponsor and your prospects. Make sure you’re INVESTING TIME in your business. No one else will connect the dots for you – it’s up to you to make that image appear and create your own sense of satisfaction. PlanNet Marketing provides the dots, you connect them to success.
-- The Policies and Procedures are located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).
~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --
Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!
Race to Director - They're on Their Way!
2. Sam Kenny
3. Tiasan Barber
4. Rose Wiggins
5. Tanoyia LewisWills
6. Tammy Young
7. Iris Royal
8. Amber Del Greco
9. LaTondria & Ernest Johnson
10. Ivey Poinsette
2. Cheryl Johnston
3. Keith & Dea Montgomery
4. Paul Kelbie
5. Robelyn McNair
6. Tiffany Pierce
7. Elliott George
8. Stuart & Mona Grandison
9. Calvin Ellerbe
10. Erica Ledet
Log in to your Back Office to reserve your spot and hotel stay.
- No Refunds/No Transfers
- Must be registered to attend all events/No free guests
PlanNet Marketing 2022 International Convention
“Breakthrough in 22”
Thursday - Saturday, September 8 - 10, 2022
Orlando World Center Marriott - Orlando, Florida USA
Sunday, March 20, 2022 - Until SOLD OUT
Limited to 3,500 Online Registrations
Register Early and be one of the first groups to enter the Grand Ballroom for General Sessions at Convention. You will want to get a great seat as this convention will be a full house of 3,500 attendees.
Book Now in your Virtual Office!
Tickets are selling fast!
From Three-Star Director Tanisha Burke:
The residents of Tampa, FL are learning how they can earn extra income in the #1 industry in the world. #FinancialFreedom #TimeFreedom #PersonalFreedom #PlanNetMarketing
From PlanNet Marketing Rep Charlene Thomas:
Spectacular Night! PlanNet Marketing has positioned so many families for time, personal and financial freedom. They showed up in ATLANTA for their success. It's all about supplementing your lifestyle and supplementing your income. Helping one family at a time to gain access!!
From One-Star Director Sheila Peterson:
👏🏾Changing Lives through the vehicle of Travel and Entrepreneurship!
From Three-Star Director Jassy Mc Bride:
PlanNet Tuesdays in Atlanta are a DO NOT MISS opportunity! Life changers and goal getter conversations! To receive training from our company's 3 Millionaires who humbly "pass the torch" to the masses is phenomenal! I am thankful my team and the WORLD have the same opportunity! The only difference is WHO decides to take the SHOT! #mindset #employeetoentrepreneur #livelovetravel 🌎💯
These Two-Star Directors will soon reach 500 balanced active ITAs
and earn another prestigious Director Gold Star!
1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I am from the small town of Tupelo, Mississippi. I lived in Atlanta for 23 years and currently reside in Stockbridge, GA. I love experiencing different cultures and have a secret passion for photography. I am a free spirit and can honestly admit that the friendly skies are my happy place. I have lived in Europe, visited over seven countries with plans to visit Dubai, London and Bali in the near future. Through much adversity, I have personally helped over 40 families, helped my team hit their next levels and secured a legacy for my son.
2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
Before joining this amazing business, I had limited beliefs and a small town mindset. I now know that my family deserves much more than what my background told me I deserved. I never knew that my dreams and a wealthy lifestyle were possible. Growing up, discussing money was a taboo subject for me and I was financially illiterate. This business totally reprogrammed the way I think; I'm not afraid to take risks and to invest in myself. I no longer have a guilty cloud hanging over my head and believe you can truly be blessed and live a life of abundance as well. I push myself every day to reach my highest potential and have a winner's mindset. I am more positive and understanding.
3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My son, my Mom and coming from a background of lack drive and motivate me. I am securing my bloodline now and I am determined that generations after me will not repeat those same curses that have my family in bondage.
4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My Grandmother was and will always be my role model, simply because this is a people business and she instilled core values in me as a child. She taught me to treat people the way you would want to be treated, that you are a powerful force when you stick together and to never look down on someone unless you're helping them up. The foundation of my character was built on trusting and believing in God. So I pray over my business just as I do anything else in my life.
5. The three words that describe you best are:
Passionate, Free-Spirited and Loyal.
6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
The tips that I would pass on to anyone on this journey are: learn to get past the word "NO." Keep in mind that anything worth having is worth the grind, be patient and consistent so you can reap the reward. Plant the seeds and harvest season will come. Once I believed in myself and really understood the power of this opportunity, I made the decision to secure my bloodline. Use an imaginary flashlight as if you are looking into your future ten years from now, what do you see? If you don't see freedom and everything your heart desires...go harder!
7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I see myself as a six-figure income earner in this opportunity within the next five years, retired from corporate America and traveling the world helping others gain those three freedoms. I worked in Mental Health for 12 years and I have a genuine heart for children with a history of trauma and a Mental Health diagnosis. I want to give back and contribute to that population in the future. The power of manifestation; the personal growth alone was worth the investment!