Shannon Kaufman



From Three-Star Director DeJoiré Benson:
About last night in Ontario, CA. It is always a privilege to share our business model with Guests, on behalf of the Business Partners who collaborate throughout California.  Several showed up for their success.


From Four-Star Director Keymone Noble:
Rochester, NY Super Saturday 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


From Three-Star Director DeJoiré Benson:
I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker at our PlanNet Marketing event in St. Louis, MO, this past Sunday. Three-Star Director Quiana Butler from Atlanta, Two-Star Director Keyona Gregory from Kansas City, and One-Star Director Natosha Bryant from St. Louis, were all in the building to share their journeys of success. Hats off to all of those who attended, despite the fact that it was a holiday weekend. The information was truly the star as Director WillieMae Elery and I informed the guests regarding how they can earn income from home, around their busy schedules, and earn income by helping others do the same. Did I mention that when you become a Director in our company, you can pass your income along to your beneficiary; thereby leaving a will instead of a bill?  Some even stuck around for training where I reviewed ’The 7 Skills of a Network Marketing Professional’. Yes, what we do, takes skills. It is important that we educate as many people as possible regarding the power and “potential” prosperity that is available to those who will work on becoming a better educated Travel Business Owner themselves and help others do the same!  #PlanNetProud #PlanNetUnited #PlanNetMarketingGlobal #CollaborateToElevate #SuperSunday #StLouis #TheLou

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Phyllis Mcdade :
Super Sunday in STL MO was on 🔥🔥🔥 Special thanks to 3-Star Founding Director DeJoiré Benson, who came all the way from California. Director Benson utilized her leadership skills while training us to move forward.  #WeArePlanNetProud  #nextlevel #freedomfighters #entrepreneur

From PlanNet Marketing Rep Jean Harris:
I get so excited when I get to talk about how I fit into this business, but more importantly, who introduced me to this amazing opportunity - Memorial Holiday, 5-years ago.  She helped me and I’m obligated to share and help others!!💕💕. Each One - Teach One!! #WeArePlanNetProud #PlanNetProud #PlanNetUnited


PlanNet Marketing congratulates LaCheryl McDonald for achieving One-Star Director! LaCheryl was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. She tells us, “I have always had a genuine desire to help others. This is the reason why I chose a career in education. I have been employed as a Special Needs Educator/Crisis Interventionist in NYC Public Schools for 21 years. I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity created by our Visionary and Founder Mr. Donald Bradley! It's been my prayer to God to be able to impact the lives of others on a greater level and without limitations. PlanNet Marketing has been the answer to my prayers!  So far, my team and I have impacted the lives of over 100 families far and near and we are not stopping here!  There are many more lives to positively impact through this life-changing opportunity! 

“I believe my team and I have achieved success in PlanNet Marketing for a variety of reasons. Realizing that the opportunity with PlanNet Marketing is an aggressive compensation plan with a personal development key component attached; the team and I had weekly reading discussions of PlanNet Marketing core books. We openly discussed key takeaways that we individually and collectively will make self-application of and as a result, spill over into the business.  This is a people business and ‘relationships are the real currency’ as our Founder Donald Bradley often says. Being coachable and also revisiting the ‘Colors Training’ was also instrumental in helping myself and my team identify personality characteristics of ourselves and develop a deeper understanding of the numerous people we expose to the business on a daily basis. 

“The overall culture and leadership of PlanNet Marketing's organization is absolutely amazing and significantly impactful. I followed PlanNet Marketing’s principles and did nothing that would be considered a magic formula to achieve success. The Power of the Plug In and following all trainings aided both my team and me in successfully helping more than 100 families.

“A fun fact about me is that I'm currently training to get certified and licensed as an airplane pilot! I absolutely love to fly and can't wait to get my wings! The sky is below your limit With PlanNet Marketing – aim high and put in consistent work to rise to the top!”


1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights...
I was born, raised, and currently reside in Saginaw, Michigan. I have a 24 year old son. My hobbies are reading and traveling.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I learned and communicated to myself daily the 14 Pillars Of Core Leadership making sure I’m coachable, reachable, and teachable. I am proud to be the first Director in the State of Michigan!

3. What drives you; what motivates you?
My son motivates me and drives me to be the best I can be in this business

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I would say my foster sponsor Latrice Jones – she has pushed me to never accept any excuses and pushed me to work hard towards becoming a One-Star Director.

5. The three words that describe you best are:
Motivated, Ambitious, and Patient.

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone what would it be?
Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
Retired from my “9-5,” traveling more, growing the team, and producing numerous directors on my team.


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Maureen Adams to the 40/40 Club! She tells us, “I am a wife of 33 years to my husband, Ron, a mom of three and a new grandmother. I grew up in Steubenville, Ohio. I am one of seven children to a stay-at-home mom and father who worked in the steel mill. I moved to Maryland when I married until recently relocating to Charleston, South Carolina.

“I started my business to help overcome the empty nest syndrome and to build something solid for my retirement future. I did so prayerfully and this opportunity presented itself during my time of prayer. I have always loved the idea of travel, but with living away from all family, every family vacation was spent traveling to the same area year after year to visit parents and siblings. We never fulfilled our dreams of visiting other destinations. I started my business right before the pandemic hit, so I learned how to book, and I learned how to cancel! Staying dedicated during this trying time has molded me into the well-rounded business owner I am today. I have strong leadership above and surrounding me that I am extremely grateful for; I did not get here alone.

“I work my business part-time as I work full-time pastoral care for my church, but plan to make my business full-time when I retire. If I can encourage anyone to stick with this when you feel like you’re in a valley, know that you will soon be on a mountain top. This past year I had been met with covid, breast cancer surgery, traveling back and forth to Florida to care for my mother and then her death, and a move from Maryland to South Carolina. It hasn’t been easy and there will always be obstacles, but I encourage you to stick to your daily method of operation for your business no matter what and never give up on your dream. You will get through your valley and land on a mountain of success. Keep looking up!”



PlanNet Marketing welcomes Claudia Davis to the 20/20 Club! Claudia is from and lives in St. Louis, MO. She tells us, “I own a catering company, ‘Spiced Just Right.’ I’ve been operating my company for eleven years and a cafe for nearly three years. I am a single mom of a son and daughter. I love cooking and baking. While in pharmaceutical sales, I’ve traveled to various sites across all coasts. However, I have traveled for my personal pleasure a handful of times, and now plan to travel more!!!

 “My success in PlanNet Marketing has been a team effort – thanks to the phenomenal mentors under Directors Nina Vital, Pethral Daniels and Venita Stewart-Wilson! Audra Cooper, my sponsor, kept me informed of training opportunities! Director Stewart-Wilson coached me, finding ways to prospect in the midst of my busy schedule. Additionally, she has made herself readily available to do 3-way calls, back-office trainings and so much more!!!

 “I share my business opportunity seven days a week, as many times as possible. I plug in to Coffee and Coaching almost daily, and the IMVs too. I read for self-development, making it a point to study and do the InteleTravel trainings. For me, it is necessary to know my product. It is crucial to know the benefits of PlanNet Marketing and at least the basics of travel, increasing my confidence of sharing this awesome opportunity to my ‘warm’ market as well as the ‘cold’ market. Thank you, Mr Bradley, for creating this opportunity!”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Aislyn Epperson to the 20/20 Club! Aislyn lives in Bristow, VA, about 30 minutes west of Washington, DC. She tells us, “My husband, Dwight, and I are major foodies so I enjoy cooking, baking, trying new recipes and traveling to destinations featured on the Food Network. I also enjoy singing, painting and family game nights. My family and I have enjoyed traveling to Jamaica, Cancun and Punta Cana so far and can't wait to get more stamps on our passports.

 “I was able to achieve success in this business because I touch my business EVERY DAY! I would highly suggest creating a Daily Method of Operation and following it every day as closely as possible. I also feel like you have to let your team know you appreciate them. Team retention is so important in this business. When people know you are there for them on a personal and professional level, it makes a big difference.  

 “Telling everyone you know about this amazing opportunity is not an option if you want to grow. Someone told you about this business and you saw the value in it. Chances are you know people who will feel the same way. It's selfish to keep this good news to yourself. Lastly, don't overthink it!  Just follow your leaders, do what they tell you and take heed to their advice and suggestions.

 “A fun fact about me is that I LOVE movies. You will often hear me quoting movie lines in everyday conversation.  Especially great one liners from The Grinch with Jim Carrey.”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Antwanesha Robinson to the 20/20 Club! Antwanesha is from Houston, Texas. She tells us, “I love to travel the world to beautiful islands. Travel is therapy for me. I took my first cruise at the age of 21 and from that day forward, I knew I wanted to turn my passion for travel into profits and become a travel agent to help others have the same amazing experience! If you would have asked where would I be or where would I see myself ten years from 21, I would never have thought it would be the best place on the PlanNet.  

“True success comes from getting out of your comfort zone and not letting your limited beliefs stop you from what your future has to offer. Let every ‘no’ be a stepping stone to make you seek the knowledge on how to get the ‘yes.’ 

“I have managed to get out of my own way and choose yes to my future. Here are a few photos since I’ve said yes.”


PlanNet Marketing welcomes Jonathan & Lindsey Tidmore to the 20/20 Club! The Tidmores live in Tuscaloosa, AL, and say, “ROLL TIDE! Thank you, PlanNet Marketing, for this opportunity. We are very excited to reach this milestone, and look forward to the next. 

“We have two daughters, and love to travel. We love the fact that eventually this business will become theirs. We love spending time with our families, traveling the world, and being able to introduce this business to others just like us. 

“This business has been life-changing for us. We have a wonderful mentor and strive to be the best we can be. We want to have a great relationship with our business partners. Essentially, they are like family to us. We are thankful to PlanNet and GOD for this great achievement.”


Incentive Pricing? Think Again!

It might be tempting to make the sweet offering of the InteleTravel Independent Travel Agency even sweeter by offering your own “sale price” or “offers” granting advantages in pricing that PlanNet Marketing is not offering – but you better think again, folks. Don’t do it!

PlanNet Marketing doesn’t allow our Reps to offer special enticement advertising or incentive pricing. You must only advertise and sell ITAs at company published prices. This means you cannot give any prizes, cash back, travel vouchers, etc. to anyone in order to convince them to buy an ITA from you.

We believe the ITA doesn’t need to be incentivized! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! If someone doesn’t see the enormous value found in this amazingly priced product, move on to someone who sees the value! But we do understand that incentives and prizes can be helpful in building your brand and getting your business name out there. You are allowed to offer prizes or incentives – you just can’t tie that incentive to a purchase.

Examples of Compliant Incentives:

  • Attend my upcoming Zoom presentation and get your name entered in a drawing for a gift card!

  • Join my new Facebook group and ask three questions about my business to receive a travel voucher.

  • Schedule a Three-Way call with me and my business partner (upline) to earn a three-day, two night trip.

As long as you are using the incentive to expose people to the business – and not sell the ITA – then you are good to go!

We want you to be a success in building your PlanNet Marketing Business and we want you to have a superior product to sell at an excellent price! Just make sure that price – is our price.

For questions about specific incentives you want to offer, please email We are happy to help you plan a successful and compliant strategy!

Set your reminder for every Friday to take a few minutes to read the newest PlanNetNow! Don’t miss the latest announcements, recognitions, and the motivation this important communication provides. See you next Friday!

Race to Director - They're on Their Way!

PlanNet Marketing


Top 10 Directors in Training in the Race, and on their way to One-Star Director!

1.  Sam Kenny
2.  Tammy Young
3.  Rose Wiggins
4.  Patricia Stewart
5.  Iris Royal
6.  Dawn Mosely
7.  Amber Del Greco
8.  Tameca Williams
9.  Michael Mckeown
10.  Rebecca Sonuga

PlanNet Marketing

Top 10 One-Star Directors with over 200 balanced Active ITAs Fast Approaching Two-Star Director!

1.  Tiffany Pierce
2.  LaDonna Spratley
3.  Paul Kelbie
4.  Keith & Dea Montgomery
5.  Cheryl Johnston
6.  Robelyn McNair
7.  Elliott George
8.  Vincent Green
9.  Calvin Ellerbe
10.  Stuart & Mona Grandison